Thursday, May 31, 2007

I got tagged.

Was doing some editing when I found this "draft" that I never did finish. I was tagged by Marit quite a while ago. Since it has been so long I won't tag anyone now but if you read this and want to consider yourself "tagged" go ahead and list 8 unusual things about yourself.

1. I have been sewing since I was about 4 or 5, my GreatGrandma taught me how. Knitting since I was 9, my best friend's Mom taught me how. Crocheting since I was 17, my GreatGrandma tried to teach me as a child but never could do more than finger chain until around 17 when it just clicked.

2. I have 2 children. My son is 30 and my daughter is 25 (people say she looks like me. LOL)

3. I live just 3 miles down the road from where I was raised.

4. My road name is the same as my last name.

5. I am a chocoholic. LOL

6. My current "babies" are an 8 year old Saint Bernard and a 2 year old little black kitten (he will never be a "cat" since he is a "baby")

7. I am fairly short, only 5' 1" tall.

8. I have a warped sense of humor that I seem to have inherited from my husband's family!

There you have it.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Such a beautiful weekend

This weekend has been beautiful so far. The weather is so lovely that my DH decided to open the pool. Usually it is mid June and he still has not done it. Now if it only stays warm so that it will warm up and we can use it.
I haven't done a whole lot of knitting so far this weekend. Yesterday I suffered with a migraine so I knitted at knitting but did not really accomplish much.I did finish off the first curvy lace sock that I thought I was knitting for my sister. As I knit along I realized that the sock was quite a bit smaller than the first pair I had knit. When I got to looking at the specs it said to use sport weight yarn and # 3 needles. I was using fingering weight and #2's. So I guess my niece who is only 10 will get this pair. Since I want to have a pair done for Sissy when we go down to visit I put that sock away for now and started the curvy lace in the bamboo because it is sport weight. I only have the ribbing and about 8 rows of pattern done. While DH was washing the vehicles today I took the camera out and took some pictures. If I can locate the cable to the camera I will up load them and post some. The trees around the house are really looking lovely and the lawn was just mowed yesterday by DH so it all looks so nice.
This lovely brutess is my "puppy". She will be 8 in about a week and a half. She still thinks that she is a tiny little thing and I love her to pieces!
This is DH's dog.She just showed up one Saturday morning last year and has been with us ever since.

Here are a couple of picturs from my front yard. We are pretty much surrounded by trees.

Guess I will quit here for now.

Eveyone have a lovely week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


For anyone interested, the pictue is of my older sister and I. Weren't we just the cutest little things? LOL
Also, the Saint Bernard in the picture on the other side of the table is my dog. She will be 8 on June 6. She is a joy and the best house dog I have ever had. She has never chewed up anything or broken anything by being rowdy in the house.
The doily is one that I crocheted. I would love to knit one but am not brave enough.Maybe now that I have mastered socks I will give it a try someday.
Is anyone out there going to the Knitter's Connection in Columbus in a couple of weeks? I am going up Saturday to buy some more yarn. (I have been saving my money up so that I can go on a spending spree that will more than likely have to last me at least a year! LOL)

Monday, May 21, 2007

A yarn binge!

Last weekend I went on a yarn buying binge. On Friday I ordered yarn to make 3 pair of socks from The Yarn Grove. (It came today.) Then on Saturday Dale took me to 2 yarn shops where I also bought enough yarn to make 3 pair of socks. So I now have a sock yarn stash!! LOL I took a couple of pictures and am trying to upload them now, but they are going slowly. I may have to finish this tomorrow morning. I'll give it a few more minutes.
Same yarn, just one picture is closer than the other. I have a mixture of Trekking XXL, Opal, Kroy Patons,SWTC bamboo, SWTC soy silk, and one called Silky Wool from Italy. It is all so luscious.
The bamboo is the blue/green right in front and was to be for my sister since she is allergic to wool, but after I felt it I am not sure that she will get it, LOL.
Time to get off of here and get ready to go to work.
Everyone have a good day.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday afternoon

It is about 4:15 Sunday afternoon and it is finally warm again. It is in the 70's so it is very pleasant.
I have been working on a charity sweater that I am designing myself. This is my first attempt at designing anything in knitting. Wish me luck. I have the body done and am working on the sleeves and yoke. I intend for it to have no seams. Maybe there is already loads of patterns out there such as this, I don't know, but mine will be mine. If it is like someone elses it is purely accident.
It won't have any great patterning in it or anything fancy. basically just stockinette and garter stitch. When it is finished I will post a picture.
Speaking of pictures, I have some of other items I have knit here recently. The first is a baby bunting that I made for my sister-in-laws new little niece, but I did not finish it in time so I still have it.

I have 3 more babies coming my way, a great-niece, my daughter's friend's baby, and one of our employees wife is pregnant. I should be able to give it to one of them. It would be a shame to let it just lie here and never be used.I'll have to ponder on who gets it.

The next picture is a shrug that I also did for my SIL's niece and again did not get it to her in time. I intended it for Easter but again, no luck. This one though will still fit her this fall so I still plan to give it to her. I just need to put a button at the neck. It looks so disproportionate since it is a shrug. The sleeves look like they are made for a giant, LOL.

Next is a draw string bag that I knit for my niece. It was for her birthday in February but we did not get down to NC to take it. So just as soon as we get down there I will take it to her. I still need to get some beads to put on the ends of the purse strings. I am not sure what kind I want to use. I guess I will just have to start looking for them.
There seems to be a theme going on here, doesn't there? I am slow to get things finished up, or maybe it is just that I hate to work so hard on them and have them leave me, LOL. No, it is just that I am slow.
Guess I will stop here for the day on posting pictures.
Maybe I can post a little more often now. I have a laptop over here at the house and it has wireless so I can connect to the internet if I go out on my deck. I hated to try to post while at work, it just didn't seem fair to my hubby. Now I can do it in the evening as long as the weather is dry.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday afternoon.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Road Trip

It has been quite a few days since I have had the time to update my blog. I have been so busy at work and at home that it has just slipped under the rug.
Anyway, I am on a trip with my loving hubby and while he is in classes I am in the hotel room with time to "play" on here and knit.
I plan to get my second sockamania sock done since I am on the toe and down to 15 stitches on each needle. Should have it done in just a little bit of time. I brought the camera with me so I can take pictures and post it. I got the first sock done fairly quickly but have just been too busy to work much on the second one.
I am in Morgantown, WV and have found 2 or 3 yarn shops around here that I plan to go to. I am hoping to get some number 1 ebony sox stix today or tomorrow. I made my first pair of sockamania socks on #2 bamboo needles and they are too big so my daughter-in-law gets them. Now to make two more pair so that I can have a pair (my daughter also wants a pair).Really I am glad that my girls want them.
Well, back to knitting for now. More later and hopefully a picture.
The socks are finished!! Now to work on the charity sweater that I am knitting.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

New Template

Had a wild thought and decided to change my template. Not really sure why, just decided to.

Had knitting guild last evening. There were only 5 of there, but that is about normal for the warmer months. Last winter we had 13 or 14.
I worked on the ribbing of my second sock for Sockamania. I have 12 of the 18 rows done. May get it finished up before the weekend, but not sure.

Was just looking at an old post and realized that my picture of my first socks was really horrid. You can't even tell what they look like and it was a really pretty, lacy pattern. I really need to do them justice if I am going to post them on here. I will have to retake the picture and try again. So check back for an update photo.

Monday, May 7, 2007


First sock is done, now to do it's mate. My girls both want these socks so it looks like I am going to be making 2 more pair.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It was a beautiful day to shop!

DH and I had to go to Columbus for doctors appt. for he and his Mom, so he took me yarn shopping!! YAY!!
The two matching skeins are just acrylic for my sis a pair of socks(she is allergic to wool) and the other two are for May and June sockamania KAL and are Tofutsies. The blue and green on the far end is for this month.
The neat little zippered bag is what they put my yarn in. It is just too cute.
Now I want to go right in and start on my socks. I love the feel of the yarn. I am just so excited, LOL, I can't stand myself.