Monday, June 26, 2017

Giving Blood

Friday evening Dale and I went to give blood.  This is something that Dale does on a VERY regular basis and I do less regular.  I used to give everytime along with D, but I used to have a tendency to pass out afterwards so they all made me quit giving.  I am older now and things change so I try to give about every other time now.  
I have given 2 gallon and 1 quart.  Not bad, but no where near what Dale has given.  He does the double red which I can never do since you have to be at least 5' 5" if you are a woman and I am only 5' 1".  Oh, well.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Before June ends....

I always have such good intentions to post on this blog in a somewhat regular manner and then life happens and I just forget to do it.  I really do mean to, honest.

 My cutie patootie baby boy, LeRoy.  He looks so sad in this pic, but he is really my little bundle of happy
 New baby chicks, to replace the ones that some wild critter got.  I was so sad about that, and angry also.
The little sleeping princess, oops, excuse me I mean the little QUEEN.  She is 17 years old so she can sleep any time and place that she wants to. When she was just a kitten Dale would carry her upstairs to bed each night on her throne.  It was the funniest thing to see.  Erica would just sit regally on the cat scratcher pad which we called her throne and let Dale carry her upstairs.  Silly cat and hubby.