Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas is almost here....

No pics today. 

I had the wild idea to make some doll baby clothes for my great-niece for Christmas.  Not a problem except that I didn't get this idea until last Sunday.  Nothing like putting pressure on yourself. 

I wasn't able to start sewing until Tuesday evening.  I have managed to make a dress and a pair of PJ's so far.  I have a coat pinned to the fabric but that is all,  I want to make the coat and at least one more dress for her.

While going through my fabrics and a tote of fabric I brought home when my beloved mother-in-law passed I found all these neat quilt patches that I suddenly had the brain storm to make into pillows for the 6 grand kids.  Then I found a few more and decided to make a pillow for each of her 3 boys and found a couple more and decided to make them for the 2 great-grand kids even though they had never had the pleasure and good fortune to know her.  So now I need to make 11 pillows on top of everything else.  I have to have the pillows done by Christmas Eve as that is when we all get together to celebrate.  I have plenty of time.  :)

So why am I on here instead of sewing?  Because I am at work (I work in the family business so this is OK).  Just as soon as I get payroll done and D or J come back I am going to the house to get busy.

I will take pics before I give the things all away. 

Joan is coming to Christmas for at least one more visit.  The year she passed and we cleaned out the house I found all kind of gifts that she had already bought for Christmas, and she left us in June!  Since I am now the oldest female of the family I gathered everything up and saved it until December and then I went through everything and made a gift bag for everyone.  We had some tears and lots of laughter.  She was missed but it made it sort of like she was still there.  Which she is still there in each of our hearts.  She was a lovely lady and very well loved.

In addition to all the sewing I still have to make sugar cookies, sugared pecans, a couple of pies, clean up the house, and put everything away after sewing.  I have to sew on my dining table as my embroidery/sewing room is a wreck and I can't even get to the counters to work.  That is going to have to be taken care of after the holidays!  I miss my sewing space.