I have a new hand boo-boo to show. This one is a doozy. I was being a dummy and was trying to cut a zip tie off with a large kitchen knife and I cut my thumb. Aren't my stitches cute? I need my head examined for doing such a stupid thing. I just hope that this is the last hand boo-boo I show you guys.
I do have a better pic to show. I finished my sockamania socks this morning. They are out of Tofutsies, done ML toe up. Love that ML. When I finish one sock the other is also done.
One of our employees that is also down here in VA has his wife and two kids with him. Their little girl is a real sweetheart and for some reason really likes me, of course I adore her also. She came over to my room and spent the afternoon with me yesterday. I thought that if she were over here then maybe Mom could get their little boy down for a nap. We had a grand time. We watched cartoons, drew with colored pencils, I made her a bracelet out of some beads I had and she told me lots of stories (she is 3). She is coming back later this afternoon so that she can play a game on my Nintendo DS. I bought a childs game at Kohl's one day so we will play that one. She helps my day to pass more quickly and also it helps her mom with the little one. They have been down here about a week and a half now and will be here until Sat or Sun. I really am not sure how she does it with two little ones in just a hotel room. I would have been nuts long before now. LOL