This is the day we got the chicks back in June. They have grown a lot since then.They are no longer little fluff balls but full grown egg laying chick-a-biddies.
This is some of the eggs. As you can see we get all sizes of them and quite a few colors also. My hens that are supposed to lay brown eggs really don't lay a true brown color. They range from a soft blush to a soft pinky-brown. I love the colors and I love the way they look in that small bowl.
This is what they look like now. I just took these pictures this morning. As a matter of fact I disturbed them while they were taking their morning bath. They are silly things but they are all healthy.
I have a mix of Ameracaunas, Black Astrolorps, Favarols, and Light Brahmas. I also have a few older Buff Orpingtons from last year. They are quite a colorful bunch.
Black Astrolorp |
Favarol |
Ameracauna |
2 Light Brahmas |
Beautiful eggs, beautiful chickens!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I love going out to the chicken house to visit with the girls. They are so vocal to me. LOL