Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is Here, or is it?

The calendar says that it is spring but my thermometer says maybe not. It is 33F today. That is not quite spring like.

I should have pics to post but I just have not taken the time to take the pics. I have a couple three pair of socks and a sweater that I really need to post a picture of . It is my alpaca "Sweater to Love" and I do love it. I would wear it everyday if my family wouldn't look at me strangely.
I have another sweater almost finished. It is "Tailored with a Twist". I made this sweater a while ago and really loved it. I then washed it and felted it. This time I am making it out of Cotton Fleece from Brown Sheep. Hopefully it will fair better. The other was out of a merion, silk, alpaca mix and was just glorious.

Not much else to say until I take some pics.

Everyone enjoy the weekend and hope that spring weather comes soon to match the calendar.


  1. As a Knitter, you should be used to your family giving you strange looks. I get them all the time! :)

  2. We're hoping for spring was snowing this morning!

  3. Hi! Saw your socks over at Sockamania- they look great! I'll have to post mine soon...

    Spring is here- I let the sheep out today!

  4. Hey, you've changed the layout! It looks good! When will you post again...?
