Thursday, May 21, 2009


I don't have a great story to tell or any great pics to post. My life is sooooo boring. Oh, well.

I have gotten a spinning wheel since I last posted (2 months and a day ago). It is an Ashford Traveler and it is sooooo purty! I love it. I have spun a bit of Coopworth wool, some llama from my daughter's own llama, and some merino/silk blend. The coopworth was the first that I spun and it is going to be knit into a scarf. It will be a funky scarf but it will be mine.

The llama I am not sure what to make out of it. The first bobbin I spun I just did it the same way as I did the coopworth and it is so silky that I made a right mess of it. It is totally thick and thin and then some very thin. The second bobbin I "spun over the fold" (thanks to TracyKnits telling me about that method) and it is much more even. I will have to ply the bad with the good but that is ok. It is still new spinning so I don't expect it to be great.

But I am learning. The merino/silk I am doing over the fold and it is coming out quite good. I have a pound of a pink blend and a pound of a purple/grey blend. If I spin it fine enough I should have enough of both of them to actually make something. Maybe a shawl or a capelet. We will see.

I really need to get the camera out and take some pictures. I have 2 sweaters, about 4 pair of socks, a baby sweater, and my spinning to post. Maybe this weekend.


  1. Hehe,you're bitten by the spinningbug too? I haven't done much of it yet- the fleece is washed, but then it needs carding, and it is so messy! Fun though. But I'll have to wait until I'm home alone again...

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Pictures! Give us pictures! Hey, maybe plying the two together will give a more even effect?
