Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why me?

I am going into a third week of bronchitis and laryngitis. I dutifully went to the doctor as soon as I got sick.
My regular doctor left on a cruise the same day I called to see him. So I had to see a NP instead. I told her the cocktail of meds that my reg doc gives me. We have worked on this same ailment for years and this is the concoction that he has found will make me better is the quickest time. The NP would only give me 2 of the the 3 meds I need so guess what? I am not better. My reg doc won't be back until the first of Nov and I just can't wait that long. Guess I will go back to another doc and see what they will do. Problem is that most doctors don't like to hear what your reg doc gives you. THEY know best. I guess I can't win.


  1. Oh, no! I hope you can find a doctor that will give you the medication you need! Get well soon:-) Hopefully you can squeeze in some knitting?

  2. Are you feeling any better yet? :(

  3. Some better. At least my nose has stopped running and I can breathe again. I still have laryngitis off and on. Guess it would go away faster if I could stay home and not talk. That is not going to happen. :)
