Thursday, November 18, 2010

My New Toy

Last night we went to Office Max to return some paper I bought and then did not need and I found the bestest little camera. It is a Canon PowerShot SD780 IS. It was marked down as it was the last one they had. It had been $230.00 and was now only $106.47!!! Can you believe that?
D told me to get it. Since I had been looking for a new smaller camera for me to carry I took him up on the offer. I love it.
I had to charge the battery last night so I didn't get to do anything with it until this morning. The first picture I took was of little Coley. He always ends up with weird glowing orbs instead of eyes. This camera made him have eyes!!! That alone makes me love it. (I forgot the cable at home so I can't post that pic yet.)
It is 12.1 megapixels which I think is pretty high (but what do I know about such things) and has zoom and all that sort of thing. A great little point and shoot camera which is what I want. I have gone the route of the big ole 35mm SLR camera that you can set everything or go auto and I was ready for a small bit of camera.
Here is a link to it: In case anyone wants to have a look see at it. MIne is black, don't know why they do not show that color. hmmmm....
Maybe I will take and post more pics now. Time will tell. I do at least have to post a pic of Coley with EYES. LOL


  1. Hey Judy, Hiya! I finally have wireless and can cruise around a little more. I got the exact same camera for my birthday last August. Isn't it great!!!! I love. love. love mine.
    Have fun taking pictures with it.
    See you back at socknitters.
    Appaloosa (lou)

  2. Congratulations on your new camera:-)

    It's been cold here lately, but lovely- no rain, a little snow on the mountaintops, starry nights...

    Have a great weekend!
