Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Pictures...what pictures?

I made sure to take pictures this morning of what I have been knitting on and also what I just plied.  Then I tried to transfer them to my computer from my phone and they just did not go.  Guess I will use my regular camera this evening and try again in the morning.

I had planned on knitting on the sleeves of my cardi last evening but then my spinning wheel started calling my name, and it just kept getting louder until I had to go see what it wanted.  It wanted the llama plied that I had spun a few months ago.  So....that is what I did last evening.  I had hoped to have a picture to post today, but guess not. 

I also took some baby camel, tussah silk off of the niddy noddy and made a hank out of it.  I was going to take a pic of it but forgot.  I had spun it for my DIL and I took it to her to show her last evening and she kept it to enjoy until we decided what I was going to make out of it for her.  (My son said I needed to make a King sized blanket out of it.  I asked, for a Barbie doll?) There is only 2 ounces so whatever it is won't be very big.  It is probably spun at about a sport weight.   My DIL had bought the fiber about 6 or so years ago and I just kept putting off spinning it because it was so slick. 
I finally decided to just go for it and see how it went.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it also wasn't a breeze to spin.  I am fairly new to spinning.  I have had my wheel since March of 2009 but I have not spun consistently with it.  I might spin for a month or two and then not touch it for several months.  Not a good way to become really good at it.  

Hopefully back with pictures tomorrow.  :)

Monday, March 27, 2017

Random Pics

My dorky grandson.  Actually he said that MaMaw needed this hat, it is all pink and girly.  This was about 3 years ago.  He has grown so much since then.
poor baby had a run in with a honey bee.  I think the honey bee won even though it did lose it life.  Poor Sims couldn't get any sympathy for anyone.  We all laughed at him.  As you can see he laughed too. 
It is storming and all the dogs are trying to get under my desk.  THAT spot belongs to the little one that is looking at me.  Seems to be saying, "Mom, make them let me in MY spot."  They did finally move and let her get in there. 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Time sure flies.....

Where did the time go?  It has been several days since I posted.  Of course that can be considered a short time for me. :)  I have not been very consistent with my blogging.  Guess I just don't have an exciting life to post.

I did finally get my phone pics over here on my pc so I could more easily post them here.  Now I have to take more and then import them. 

This is Coley.  He is my very special kitty.  He is Mama's little nursemaid.  If I am sick with a headache he is right there "taking care of Mama". whether Mama wants him or not. lol
 He just showed up one day about 13 years ago and adopted me and the Saint Bernard that I had at the time.  Love him.

Still busy working on my cable and lace cardi.  Plus a pair of socks I really want to finish up and a pair of fingerless mitts for a little girl.  Too many things to finish and not enough time to get them all done.  I should be knitting now. :)


Monday, March 13, 2017

Cables and Lace Cardi

I've been knitting away on the Cables and Lace cardi, I just haven't taken any more pictures.  It all looks the same except for the shape.  I am now working on the sleeves.  I always do them together so they match.  I have about 4 inches done so I have a ways to go yet.  It is looking really good though.  
 I had wanted to have the cardi done by Saturday to wear to a special meeting but at this point I don't really see this happening.  I have too many things to get done this week.  But miracles do happen.  :) 
This evening I need to bake some cookies.  I made my special sugar cookies last night and will ice them later this week.  Tonight I will probably make Chocolate Chip cookies and/or Scotch Short Bread.  I need a variety of cookies for Saturday and I was going to start doing this about a month ago and freeze them, but things happen and I just never did get started so now I have it all to do this week.  

We spent part of the weekend in Louisville, KY.  Dale had a Masonic meeting down there and I went along for the ride.  It was nice because we got to see friends that we don't see very often.  Always nice to see good friends that live a  ways away from you.  
Didn't have such good luck at the restaurants.  Friday night the waiter slopped food all over the place and down Dale's pant leg.  Saturday we waited over an hour for pancakes and a club sandwich.  
But all in all it was a nice weekend.  Had great weather driving down and back and made it safely.  
I got some knitting done on the way down and while sitting around waiting on Dale's meetings to finish up.
Got home around 10.

Even with the time change and the road closed so we are having to go way around  we made it to church on time.  Had a nice service and then had lunch with friends. 

All in all a very nice weekend. 


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Sweater Continues........

Boy did I mess up!!  I was merrily knitting along on the fronts, so proud of myself because I was doing them both at the same time.  After about 4 pattern repeats I realized that I was NOT doing the cable on the very last 6 stitches on the right side.  I waffled about it for a time and decided that I had to rip out the cable part and redo it.  I have too much money invested in the yarn and time in the sweater to finish it as is and let it lay in a drawer forever.  So I bravely took a deep breath and laid it aside until evening.  
After work I picked it up and placed a needle in the approximate row that I needed to frog back to and began taking out the stitches.  I was going to take a picture but I didn't want to get up out of my chair and maybe mess something up.  I had to put the first cable in about 3 times as I either ended up with too much yarn left over or didn't have enough to finish the stitches.  At one point I even started knitting on the wrong edge of the 6 stitches and had a royal mess going on.  I finally got my head on straight and got my tension just right so I was able to get them done.  Knit 11 rows in stockinette and then do a front cable cross repeat and go on.  It is all done and looks just fine!  I am happy with it and will definitely be able to wear this sweater. If you look at the left edge of the top picture (by the yellow and red thingy) you can see that I did not cross the cables. Boo Hiss  

 Now you can see that I have done the cables on the pic below and see that they look just like the others.  Yay Me!!
 Just because.. a back side view of the fixed cables. 

I have no idea why I was not doing them from the beginning but I wasn't.  I have done probably 2 more sets of pattern repeat and it is looking very nice.  I hope to finish this in time to wear it a few times this year.  
What are you knitting on?