Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday morning

It is Saturday morning and it is raining.

I have a meeting to go to with my hubby so I can knit almost all day while with him.

Still working on the baby sweater. Just realized that after I get the back, both fronts, and the sleeves done, I have to put it all together and knit on the yoke. May take me a little more time than I thought it would. I am not as near to finished as I thought I was.

OH, well..... sigh.

1 comment:

  1. It is rather odd that these little babysweaters require so much time and effort to finish-but it is still so much fun to make. I've made two recently...but I don't know any parents-to-be, so they will both go into hiding, I guess! (And hopefully I won't be a grandmother for at least 10 years!!!(my kids are 10,12,14 and 15 this year))

    Nice talking to you too!
