Tuesday, May 8, 2007

New Template

Had a wild thought and decided to change my template. Not really sure why, just decided to.

Had knitting guild last evening. There were only 5 of there, but that is about normal for the warmer months. Last winter we had 13 or 14.
I worked on the ribbing of my second sock for Sockamania. I have 12 of the 18 rows done. May get it finished up before the weekend, but not sure.

Was just looking at an old post and realized that my picture of my first socks was really horrid. You can't even tell what they look like and it was a really pretty, lacy pattern. I really need to do them justice if I am going to post them on here. I will have to retake the picture and try again. So check back for an update photo.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of like your new template!
    Just to let you know: I've tagged you...see my blog for more info!
