I was watching an old "I Love Lucy" show and Richard Widmark had a St. Bernard. It was nowhere as pretty as my Katie, but it was a St. Nard.
Gee, I miss my baby. It looks like it is going to be Tuesday before we get to go home.
My cold decided not to get better. My throat is not as sore and I can talk a bit better but now I have a hard cough and a runny nose. I got a box of Puff's with lotion and Vicks yesterday and will probably have to go back and get another box today.
The rain has stopped but it is still chilly out, not as chilly, thank goodness.
The pizza Thursday evening was delish. I will probably fix that meal again when we are back down here.
We were supposed to go out with another couple so I didn't go get anything for dinner so we had to eat out. D didn't see the other man to make plans so we will go out with them another time. The man is going to be having hip replacement and wants to talk with D about it. D has had both of his hips replaced. The first was in Nov 99 and the second in Jan 01. It was the best thing he could have done. I am not sure he would even be able to walk now if he hadn't had it done.
If my head clears and stops hurting I am planning on going out to the craft stores that I can find today. I will take my camera.
Sending "clear head" vibes your way...