Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I put that NeoCounter on my blog to see just how many were coming by but not leaving comments. I think it is screwy. It say 22 people from Thailand have come, 1 from the US, and 1 from Singapore. What is up with that?
I'll leave it there for a day or so, but I might just ditch it. How would someone in Thailand or Singapore find me? Don't know.

I just got back from my daily "food pilgrimage". We are having pork roast w/mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, and biscuits for supper. Dang, I should have gotten some green beans (not sure I have enough room to do all of that though). Not a bad meal considering that I have to fix it all in one little toaster oven.
Last night we had porkchops in salsa and a side salad. The night before it was skinless, boneless chicken breast in salsa and a baked potato (D had the leftover chicken in his bucket). I wanted to fix meatballs in spaghetti sauce last night but the smallest bag of meatballs had 64 of them. No way the two of us could have eaten that and the fridge is just a small one with an even smaller freezer, so I had to ditch that idea.
Tomorrow night I am thinking of black beans and shrimp.
It is fun coming up with meals that I can fix in the toaster oven. I could just get frozen dinners but where is the fun and adventure in that? Besides, there is way too many calories, salt, fat, etc in them.
This is fun. Hey, I need something to fill my days while I am here at the hotel.
Speaking of which, it is time to take Betsie out for her afternoon walk and then we will come in and have lunch.

edited to add:The NeoCounter has been replaced by a BlogPatrol counter suggested to me by Silfert. thanks.


  1. Try getting a counter from someplace like Blogpatrol. They tell you HOW people find you, too. Usually Google, by virtue of something you've written that people might be looking for. Knitting or another key phrase...

    Beef stew and biscuits in a casserole dish... Mmmm!

  2. I think I'd go crazy trying to cook and live like you do now-LOL!
    I really wanted to comment on your PIF- post, I just didn't know if I was up for the commitment! But- I have a whole year...if you haven't gotten enough already, will you please count me in?
