Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pizza tonight.

The pork chops and baked potato last night were delicious. The gravy was more of just a thin sauce that we put over the chops, but it was good.
Tonight I am fixing pizza. It is a recipe that I got off of E-diets. All you do is use pizza crust and top it with fresh tomatoes and mushrooms. You can add shreadded cheese if you wish. It is really delish. It sounds very plain and flavorless but it really isn't. If I were at home I would also put some Italian seasoning on it, but since I am not it will just have some fresh ground pepper and maybe a little sea salt. I am cheating a bit on this one as I have bought already prepared pizza crust instead of making it up myself. You have to make concessions sometimes.

What little knitting I have done today has been on my fingerless mitts. I am coughing so much I just don't feel like doing anything. But the coughing means the cold is beginning to break up so I should start feeling better soon.


  1. You should have been here by the fireplace, drinking tea and knitting:-)
    Glad that cold is on the mend.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. HOpe you get over the cold soon. The pizza sounds nice. Thank youfor the comment on my blog. I'd highly recommend fake legs. I've got some short ones I got off Ebay. They're a bit small (as in shoe size) but make photography much easier.
